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to help you and answer
your questions
Lab Address
Institute for Mind and Brain
University of South Carolina
1800 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Interested in working with us?
(803) 766- 6395
There is parking onsite at the building. Turning off Gervais onto Barnwell Street you make a left turn into the IMB, labeled ENTRANCE in red, where you will pass under an arch. Driving down Barnwell Street you make a right turn into the IMB, labeled ENTRANCE in red, where you will pass under an arch. Once you enter the parking lot, you will drive all the way to the back (down a small hill). There are spots dedicated to participants, indicated by a red “Participant Parking Only” sign.
Once you get here, walk to the door at the back of the building. It should be located at the bottom of the hill where you parked. Ring the doorbell and a research assistant will be with you shortly. Call us at (803) 766- 6395 if a research assistant does not arrive.