
Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

1800 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Graduate Student

Kendall Nelson

Kendall is a first-year master's/Ph.D. Student specializing in Cognitive Neural Sciences within the Psychology Ph.D. Program at the University of South Carolina (USC).  

Before joining USC, Kendall earned her B.S. in Exercise Physiology with a focus on Exercise as Medicine from East Carolina University. She conducted research under Dr. Nick Murray, a specialist in visual motor control. Kendall's undergraduate thesis investigated whether migraines, both with and without aura, affect hemodynamic response function and oculomotor control. 

Her goal for graduate school research is to delve into the factors contributing to socioemotional dysregulation. Specifically, how neurocognitive processes involved in emotion regulation interact with genetic and environmental factors to contribute to certain mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, and autism during development. She plans to continue in the academic and research world after graduation. 


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